Market Analysis and Industry Research

Our team of researchers are experienced in providing market research data and analysis for manufacturers and service suppliers entering into new market sectors or introducing new products and technologies into existing and mature market sectors, to enable them to manufacture and supply efficiently and from a competitive cost base.

Studies have been carried out for many SMEs to Global Corporations as well as Academic Research Centres for which further details are available on the Case Studies section of this site.

Specific areas of expertise in Market and Industry Research across all industry sectors include:

  • Product and Service feasibility and enhancement
  • Researching Materials and Component Handling methodologies
  • Competitor product and service analysis and comparison
  • UK and European Sales Team structures and sector-specific Sales and Marketing Strategy
  • Equipment Pooling and asset management with specific focus on barcode and RFID technologies being used across Europe
  • RFID System Planning and project assessment

Investment Into Market and Industry Research at the outset is crucial to Strategy and Business Planning and can negate over-investment and additional cost in the longer term.

Specialisten voorraadketen en logistiek

Bel ons +44(0) 1926 430 883​

Specialisten met veel ervaring in alle aspecten van voorraadketens en logistieke operaties, ditributienetwerk-strategie, netwerkstrategie, opslagactiviteiten,  logistiek e-commerce en ontwerp van magazijn en distributiecentra.